Florida Department of Education Celebrates 365 Days of ‘Get There’, Florida’s Workforce Education Initiative

By | September 27, 2021

Today, the Florida Department of Education celebrates 365 days of Get There, Florida’s Workforce Education Initiative.

Thank you for championing workforce education and the Floridians who can benefit from career, technical and adult education. This is timely, critical work, because when unemployed or underemployed Floridians earn credentials in high-demand fields, they can boost their economic stability and mobility. 

In the past year, more than17,000 Floridians have earned a high-skill, high-wage credential, thanks, in part, to the Rapid Credentialing Initiative that inspired the launch of Get There.

More than 108,000 individuals have visited gettherefl.com with more than 10,000 residents connected directly to their local college. Going forward, our challenge is to convert even more “lookers” into “learners.”  

To do that, we must continue to spread the Get There message while inspiring self-confidence and bold action in those who need it most.