Clint Pate First Candidate to Qualify by Petition for August 2022 Republican Primary to Replace Brad Drake

By | October 4, 2021

On Monday, October 4, 2021, Clint Pate was the first candidate to submit enough petitions to qualify for the August 2022 Republican Primary to replace term-limited Representative Brad Drake.

Pate collected over 600 petitions from across 8 counties in the Panhandle.
‘We began this campaign by going door to door, business to business, talking to the voters, and learning about the issues that matter most to them.

The over 600 individuals that I met with agreed, now, more than ever, Florida needs conservative leaders in Tallahassee to stand with Governor DeSantis and fight back against the liberal socialist agenda plaguing our great nation’, Pate stated. 
‘The radical left will stop at nothing to eradicate our conservative values. They’ve opened our borders, defunded the police, taken away our 2nd Amendment freedoms, and even fought against the fundamental right to life.

In Tallahassee, I’ll fight to preserve and protect our Northwest Florida conservative values and stop the liberal left from turning Florida into New York or California.

I thank those who took the time to meet with me, share their thoughts and concerns about the future of our state and nation, and look forward to serving you in the Florida House’, Pate concluded.