Vernon, Florida Announces 2022 Basketball and Cheer Registration

By | October 4, 2021

The City of Vernon, Florida has announced registration for 2022 Basketball and Cheer.

$50 Early Registration before Oct 28th

$60 Late Registration after Oct 28th

Processing fee is close to $3 for online.

Add $10 for offline registration. (This has been added to the website. If they choose offline the $10 will now be “due” with the rest of registration.

Practice Starts in Dec. Possible “Open Gym” in November

Games Start in January and Last in to February

All games and Practices are in Vernon Middle School Gym.

Let me know if you have any other questions.

Thank you!

Timothy Garner

Vernon Florida Recreation
Rec Cell: 850.260.4002

Vernon City Hall:

2808 Yellow Jacket Drive Vernon, Florida 32462