Florida High School School Elects First Transgender Homecoming Queen in State

By | October 5, 2021

The students of a Florida high school have made history with their homecoming court.

They chose a transgender student to be Olympia High School’s homecoming queen.

Evan Bialosuknia said she is proud of her crown and sash, symbolizing something richer than royalty.

“It made me feel like I actually belonged, not just like a joke because that was one of my fears,” she said. “I was like in bed one night, and just like, ‘What if they were just doing this to laugh at me?’”

Bialosuknia, 17, is in her first year living the way she feels, starting her transition a few months ago. She said she still has a long way to go and more changes coming.

“Looking back, it doesn’t even feel like that’s me,” Bialosuknia said. “I played football for over about six years? Six to eight … tackle football. And I remember during practices I would stare at the cheerleaders, because I wanted to be with them.”

She says she couldn’t be her confident self without the love from her family. But she didn’t know quite what to expect at school when she decided to try to become homecoming queen.

“I want to have that moment of glory,” Bialosuknia said.

She’s grateful. The homecoming game’s halftime brought a show of support, from her friends and classmates and even the crowned king.

“There’s only good energy. Just a great person,” Bialosuknia said. “He just made me feel like any other girl.”

Through all the excitement came a certain comfort.

“It just made me realize I was not alone, and I don’t have to go through this alone,” Bialosuknia said.

She hopes she can share that with others who may struggle finding their way, as she continues a journey of her own.

“I have to just keep my head up and know that it’s going to take time, and it’s going to take patience,” Bialosuknia said.

  • Courtesy CNN


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