Canada Threatens To Fire Federal Employees Using ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ In Correspondence

By | October 18, 2021

On Thursday, October 14, 2021, an agency of the Government of Canada responsible for providing and consolidating information technology services across federal government departments informed federal government employees that they would be fired “without recourse or labor union participation” if they used any form of the popular meme “Let’s Go Brandon” in any of their correspondence.

Shared Services wrote, “This is a formal notification that all government correspondence must be professional in nature and approved by department heads. When applicable all correspondence must be vetted by the PMO for framing and message prior to public disclosure or internal distribution.”

“The uses of colloquialisms or sayings with intended double meaning or offense are strictly prohibited in all means of correspondence and/or communication,” the memo continued. “Specifically, the use of the wording ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ and any variation thereof under any circumstance is banned by the Canadian Public Service.”

The memo concluded, “Please contact your department heads for the applicable writing references. We have been informed that this will be zero tolerance issue within the management structure this position is fully supported by the leadership of PSAC. Violation of this policy will be grounds for immediate dismissal without recourse or labor union participation.”