Falling Into October With the Chipley, Florida Garden Club

By | October 19, 2021

Chipley Garden Club began the month of October with its monthly meeting at the home of Club Treasurer Glenda Wilson. In addition to the regular business meeting, an educational program was provided by Danny Bost, President of Central Panhandle Beekeepers Assn.

Mr. Bost discussed pollination “from the bees’ prospective” emphasizing the importance of pollinators, providing habitat and plants, and limiting the use of insecticides and herbicides in our home gardens. Club member Carla Comegys provided little honey pots from Cutt’s Honey for the group.

Mid-October found garden club members from Chipley and Vernon attending the 2021 Florida Federation of Garden Clubs (FFGC) District II Meeting in Panama City Beach, Florida. FFGC 1st Vice President Tina Tuttle and District II Director Sue Schmitz acknowledged Chipley Garden Club’s 70th year with FFGC. On behalf of Chipley Garden Club, President Gail Exum accepted the award.

The group was entertained by Kirby Holt of Blossom’s, who created a tableful of floral designs in minutes, and The Ukulele Orchestra who provided a delightful musical interlude.

Falling Waters State Park has been “adopted” by Chipley Garden Club. Falling Water Pennies are collected at each meeting to help meet the needs of Falling Waters State Park. This month the club purchased an Echo Pole Saw and donated it to the park. Currently Vice President/Wildflower Chairperson Ri McGlamery is assisting the Boy Scouts in the refurnish/rebuild/replant of the Butterfly Garden at the park. When completed the garden will be ADA accessible.

Chipley Garden Club has many great upcoming projects planned. The next meeting will be on Wednesday, November 3rd. Guests and visitors are welcome at anytime! If you’re interested in attending the meeting or would like to know more about the club’s activities, please contact President Gail Exum at 850-638-0950.