Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Pushes Back Against Unconstitutional Federal Vaccine Mandates

By | October 22, 2021

Governor Ron DeSantis is calling lawmakers back to Tallahassee for a special session aimed at vaccine mandates.

DeSantis wants to outlaw the vaccine mandates that may soon be enacted by the federal government.

Ascension Sacred Heart and Navy Federal Credit Union in Northwest Florida have enacted different versions of a vaccine mandate.

Thursday morning, Governor DeSantis said he wants the Florida legislature to provide protection for employees facing termination because of, what he calls, unfair and discriminatory vaccine mandates.

“I think it draws a line in the sand saying Florida is going to be a free state,” Broxson said.

The Biden administration wants a federal vaccine mandate that has yet to be finalized.

One of the targets of those mandates would be hospitals that are funded by Medicaid and Medicare.

Locally, the areas largest employer, Navy Federal Credit Union has required staff to get vaccinated or get regularly tested.

Ascension Sacred Heart is requiring all employees to be vaccinated by Nov. 12, or they may lose their jobs.

With numbers going down, some question whether a vaccine mandate is necessary.

Channel 3 spoke to Dr. Alexys Hillman about the governor’s plan to ban the vaccine mandate.

“I think its ridiculous and I think its very upsetting on several levels,” Hillman said. “It’s like he is rejecting every viable option we have in controlling the virus.”