Department of Homeland Security Building $455,000 Security Fence Around Biden’s Beach Home After Halting Border Wall

By | October 24, 2021

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is building a nearly half a million dollar security fence around Democrat President Joe Biden’s beach home in Delaware.

The move comes after the administration halted construction of the border wall on the U.S.-Mexico border and has canceled contracts related to the wall’s construction, which comes as the administration’s policies have been blamed for causing a historic flood of illegal immigration into the U.S. through the southern border.

The New York Post reported:

In September, the department awarded a contract of $456,548 to Turnstone Holdings LLC for “PURCHASE AND INSTALLATION OF SECURITY FENCING AT 32 FARVIEW, REHOBOTH DELAWARE,” according to, an online database tracking federal government spending. The contract started Sept. 21 and is expected to end Dec. 31. Construction of the fence is expected to end by that date.

The DHS is listed as the main awarding and funding office of the contract while the US Secret Service is listed as the subagency. Additional information and details about the fence have not been publicly released.

Biden’s border crisis reached a new level on Friday as data released by U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) showed that the Border Patrol has made approximately 1.66 million arrests of illegal aliens entering the U.S. from Mexico for Fiscal Year 2021.

“Border crossings surpassed 1.6 million annually at least twice recently, in 1986 and in 2000,” The Wall Street Journal reported. “In 2019, when crossings reached a peak under the Trump administration, the Border Patrol made about 850,000 arrests.”

CBP said that it recorded 192,001 encounters along the southern border for the month of September, a slight decrease from the previous month.

Chad Wolf, former acting DHS secretary and Heritage visiting fellow, slammed Biden in a statement over the latest numbers, calling his policies a failure.

“Instead of upholding the rule of law, the administration has chosen to open the border by eliminating effective, humane border security policies that were working, replace those policies with no alternative, and then process the subsequent historic flows of illegal aliens into the United States as quickly as possible,” Wolf said. “And make no mistake, contrary to the Biden administration’s spin, the vast majority of those apprehended at the southern border are being released into our communities, as CBP’s own publicly available numbers show. The men and women of CBP deserve so much better than this. They deserve leaders who will help them do their jobs, enforce the rule of law, and give them the tools they need. The Biden administration has done the opposite at every turn, and we’re all paying the price for it.”

Mark Morgan, former acting CBP commissioner and Heritage visiting fellow, warned Americans to not be “fooled” by the Biden administration’s attempts to “spin these still sky-high numbers as some sort of win.”

“These 192,000 apprehensions are still more than 40,000 higher than the highest monthly total during the 2019 crisis, a crisis that then-President Trump quickly and successfully moved to solve,” Morgan said. “The Biden administration knowingly created a crisis because it sees a political benefit in mass illegal immigration, and thus it has no interest in slowing the historic surge to our border.”

“More importantly, however, official apprehensions dropped slightly while the number of got-aways—those who evade apprehension and enter the country after escaping law enforcement—increased from August,” Morgan added. “The numbers remain at unsustainable highs, and now more illegal aliens are crossing the border without even being apprehended, as more and more Border Patrol agents are pulled off the line to process migrants through overcrowded CBP facilities and release them into the United States. This cannot continue.”