Democrats Attempt to Foist Multitrillion Dollar Socialist Wish List, Largest Tax Increase in Decades on US Citizens

By | November 6, 2021

U.S. Congressman Brian Mast (FL-18) released the following statement after voting “no” on Democrats’ tax and spend agenda:

“Tonight’s vote was just the start of Democrats’ attempts to jam through a multitrillion dollar socialist wish list with the largest tax increase in decades to pay for it. Their reckless spending habit has already caused massive inflation and labor shortages, and I will do everything in my power to stop them from continuing down the path toward socialism.

“Our country needs an investment in critical infrastructure that is done responsibly and without raising taxes.  For nearly a year, I’ve been asking for the plan to include full funding to restore America’s Everglades, which is a priority that has broad bipartisan support. 

Instead, Democrats have chosen to prioritize partisan pet projects like $200 million for a park around the corner from Nancy Pelosi’s house.  

“What is happening now is not a serious attempt at improving our nation’s infrastructure. It is a socialist boondoggle, and the American people should not be forced to pay the bill.”