Budget Conscious? Here are Three Things You Can Cut from Your 2022 Household Budget

By | December 21, 2021

2021 is almost over, so it’s time to think about the future.

When it comes to finances, what would you like to do differently next year? When looking at your money and the way you spend it, what needs to change?

Here are a few things you should remove from your budget next year, according to the folks over at NerdWallet.

Unnecessary daily expenses: 

We all like coffee every day. But do you need Starbucks coffee every morning? It’s not cheap and frankly, I’ve had better. If you spend 4-5 bucks on coffee each morning on your way to work, you’ll end up spending well over $1,000 at the end of the year. Here’s an idea: Stock up coffee to brew at home and use the price difference to fund a more important part of your budget.

Phone apps: 

For a lot of people, spending 99 cents here and there on an app doesn’t seem like a big deal. If you’re one of those people who spends a lot of time on your smartphone throughout the day, spend some of that time thinking about which apps are costing you money (whether it’s upfront, subscriptions, or in-app purchases).

Spending with coupons: 

You’re probably thinking, “this sounds like saving money!” While coupons can be helpful tools, they’re only helpful if the coupon is something you were already planning on buying. Don’t be swayed by a deal or discount if it’s not something you need.

Buying items you want (and don’t need) is an easy way to throw money away. Only make smart or necessary purchases and use coupons to make those buys even better.