United States President Joe Biden’s Disapproval Rating Hits New High, Says New Poll

By | December 21, 2021

President Joe Biden’s disapproval rating jumped once again, according to a new NPR/PBS News Hour/Marist poll released Monday.

When asked whether individuals approved or disapproved of Biden’s handling of the presidency, 55% of those polled said they disapproved while just 41% said they approved, according to the poll.

The survey was conducted amongst 1,400 adults between Dec. 11 and Dec. 13 with a four-point margin of error.

When broken down by party lines, 87% of Democrats said they approved of Biden’s handling while 11% said they disapproved. Two percent were unsure. Among Republicans, only 4% approved of Biden’s job while 95% disapproved. 

Among independents, 66% said they disapproved of Biden’s handling while just 29% approved.

Among those who identify as white, 40% said they approved while 56% said they disapproved. Meanwhile, 44% those who identified as non-white said they approved of Biden’s handling while 52% disapproved.

The findings mark Biden’s highest disapproval rating since taking office when compared to earlier polls conducted by Marist.

Biden’s approval ratings have been steadily falling following a series of setbacks such as the Afghanistan withdrawal and growing pushback against his vaccine mandates.

An ABC News/Ipsos poll conducted between Dec. 10-11 found when broken down among issues, 36% of those polled approved of Biden’s handling of crime, 41% approved of Biden’s handling of the economy and just 53% approved of his handling of the coronavirus.

A poll released in early December found independent voters preferred to see former President Donald Trump on the ballot in 2024 more than Biden, with 67% of those polled saying Biden should not run for a second term while 59% think Trump should not seek reelection.