Jackson County, Florida School Board Draws New District Lines

By | January 6, 2022

 Several entities in Jackson County have redistricted in the last few months, and now the School Board has, too.

At Wednesday’s Jackson County School Board meeting, new district lines were drawn. The School Board has been working on redrawing lines for months, and even met with County Commissioners a few times.

After narrowing it down to just three different maps, the school board voted to accept one map in a four-to-one vote. The lines will not match with the County Commissioners but will comply with the NAACP.

Officials say the new lines will benefit Jackson County students.

“We wanted to make sure we met the federal decree, we had the ACLU here and the NAACP, they were supportive of all three maps that were presented,” Chairman of the board Stacey Goodson said. “We chose a map that we feel would best represent our districts as a whole and the county as a whole, that will be beneficial to the citizens of the county and will make sure every district has a representative, and some will have two.”

Officials say now that they have drawn new district lines, they won’t have to do it again for another ten years.