Letter to the Editor: ‘If It Is So Good’ (Local Resident Expresses His Opinion)

By | January 11, 2022

Editor’s note: One of our greatest freedoms, undeniably under attack but thus far only slightly impinged upon, is our freedom of speech. We recognize that with over 1.5 million web visits to this web site annually, and despite our unabashedly capitalistic and conservative stance in general, there is some communal responsibility to honor all sides of all arguments. Typically, just as in local election turnout, apathy reigns and only a vocal few bother to express their views.  This ‘letter to the editor’ was submitted in response to the ‘Advance Washington’ initiative to convert Washington County, Florida from a ‘dry’ to a ‘wet’ county. We appreciate the effort it took to express these feelings, and, although these words or sentiments do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Foster Folly News, we print it in the aforementioned vein of ‘fair and balanced’ inclusion.


IF IT IS SO GOOD- Submitted for publication by Roger Dale Hagan

If you haven’t already, in a few days you will have the opportunity to vote on one of the most important issue affecting the future and life style of Washington County. We have been urged to think about all aspects of the vote to sale whiskey and other hard liquors in Washington County. We have been made to believe it is/will be an economic savior. While that is not correct if the vote passes, then years from now when we have liquor stores but no industry, will the promoters say we were wrong let’s do away with liquor sales? Not hardly. We still won’t have factories but we will have liquor. We won’t have upscale restaurants but we will have liquor. The things we are told “might” come will only come when the demographics of the county are right.

Comparisons have been made regarding Holmes, Jackson, and Washington County. It seems Washington County holds its own compared to our wet sister counties. As a matter of fact Washington County leads both counties in median property value according to DATA US. All three counties seem to have saturated the area near I-10 with motels. I would guess no one drives down the road thinking, “I am going to stop at the next motel that sells whiskey.” Having done quite a bit of traveling myself I think most people either have reservations at their destinations, or wherever they think night will find them, or, they drive down the road thinking, “I hope I can find a vacancy pretty soon.”

Recently I saw a quote that said something like, “This isn’t about not liking people. We are all friends and will be when it is over.” I commend whomever said that and could not agree more. This is about opinions and the opportunity to express them.

As you decide what your opinion is ask yourself, “What is it about liquor that is so good”.

IF IT IS SO GOOD – Why do you have to be 21 to buy it?

IF IT IS SO GOOD – Why don’t we have it in vending machines on school campuses beside the Cokes?

IF IT IS SO GOOD – Why is it a controlled substance?

IF IT IS SO GOOD – Why are local government budgets ask to fund support to help abusers?

IF IT IS SO GOOD – Why don’t we fix it in our baby’s bottle?

IF IT IS SO GOOD – Why don’t we sell it at the football concession stands or let you bring a cooler in?

IF IT IS SO GOOD – Why are there so many ads on television from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration warning against buzzed driving or under the influence driving?

IF IT IS SO GOOD – Why wasn’t the petition not openly disclosed at the Board of County Commissioners

meetings rather than just handed in and voted to accept?

IF IT IS SO GOOD – Why are there such regulations about where it can be sold (building capacities etc.)?

IF IT IS SO GOOD FOR THE ECONOMY – Why can’t we make it at home to supplement my income?

Everyone agrees we need jobs. But why not pursue a distribution center like Jackson County, or a Travel America truck stop. Why not get a Po Folks or Cracker Barrel that doesn’t have to have whiskey. Why not go back to our roots and do something to enhance the agriculture industry in our county (processing centers, shipping centers etc.).

I want to always be the first to congratulate our leaders when they make good decisions and do right things. I think that also gives me the opportunity to express my opinion when they do not so good things. After all it is about opinions.

  • Submitted by Roger Dale Hagan