‘Smart’ Guns Are Aimed at Preventing Accidental Shooting Deaths

By | January 12, 2022

You can personalize just about anything these days…from a blanket to a coffee cup, or even a customized phone case. 

Now personalized smart guns can be added to the list.

Smart guns are aimed at preventing people not authorized from firing guns.

The goal: prevent someone like a child or convicted criminal from using the weapons. 

How does it work? Two ways actually. The first radio frequency identification tokens similar to a bracelet, watch or wearable device. The second is biometric recognition technology that activates a gun only after identifying say your fingerprint or grip.

Biofire in Orlando is one of the companies developing such technology. Then there’s another company called, LodeStar Works that’s planning to launch the smart guns with RFID technology.

RFID technology has been commercially available in one form or another since the 1970s. It is now part of our daily lives and can be found in car keys, employee identification, medical history/billing, highway toll tags and security access cards.

On its website, LodeStar Works, pointing to the reliability. The cofounder adding he was inspired after hearing too many stories about children shot while playing with an unattended gun. 

The company hopes to have a product commercially available this year. The LodeStar gun, aimed at first-time buyers, would retail for $895.