Washington County, Florida School Board Member Susan Roberts Addresses Community

By | April 21, 2022

Dearest Washington County,

I’ve shared my intentions with some over the last few months but believe that now is the time to make it official.

After 16 years, four terms as a member of your Washington County School Board, I will not be seeking re-election in District 5 in November.

Words cannot express how much I have enjoyed my time in this seat representing you, our students, and our educational system and I hope I’ve done you proud!

This certainly has been a team effort and our group of board members through my four terms have worked well together, championing what we feel was right, fair and equitable for our students, personnel and schools.

It is our belief that all schools in Washington County make a concerted effort in preparing students for success in their future for which we are thankful.

As I embark on this next journey, please know I am committed to Washington County and although not physically sitting in a board seat, I remain forever a part of you in spirit.

I will continue to “show up” and represent as much as possible and will remain your biggest cheerleader.

Thank you for 16 unforgettable years! My cup runneth over and I will be forever grateful.

Susan Roberts

Editor’s Note: Jasper Carter has declared his intention to run for this office.