Vernon, Florida Athletic Director and Football Coach Gerald Tranquille Announces Acceptance of Position at Liberty County High School

By | May 3, 2022

From Vernon, Florida High School Athletic Director Gerald Tranquille:

It’s hard to even start this letter without getting emotional or stumbling over the words.
But like I tell my kids, sometimes you just have to find a way to push through.
First of all, I want to thank Principal Brian Riviere, Dr. Charles Peterson, Superintendent Joseph Taylor and the Washington County School board for giving me the opportunity to be the Head Football Coach at Vernon High School.
You believed in me when others thought I was “just a basketball coach.” Even though I had no HC experience, y’all allowed me to grow without any pressure, make mistakes, and do it my way.
I always believe that you leave things better than you find them and I truly believe I did that.
To the community of Vernon; You accepted my family and I from day one without any judgement or stereotype.
Through wins and loses you were there to pick us up and let us know that you loved us and still had our back. Thank you for trusting me with your kids over the years. I tried to be more than just a coach to them.
I wanted to be an extension of you and I always treated them like they were my own. Vernon will always be “home away from home.”
To my coaches; I love you guys. Thank you for believing in me and pushing me to be the best coach for our guys. I couldn’t have done any of the things we did without you. I won’t name you all but even to the guys that helped me throughout the years without getting a coaching supplement, you were and are coaches!
To my boys; This paragraph is the hardest to write but just because something is hard or tough doesn’t mean you don’t do it. “Nothing worth having comes easy.” I love you guys. I pray I taught you at least one thing that will help get you through life. I always told you that it was bigger than football. That football was the ultimate teacher.
I know this hurts right now but the pain will fade and the game will still be there. Lean into it and into each other. Continue to grow as a FAMILY. I wish y’all nothing but the best and
I will ALWAYS be a phone call or text message away. Go Jackets. Jackets Swarm. Family on 3, Jackets on 6.
Friday will be officially be my last day as an employee of the Washington County School District.
I am nervous, humbled, and extremely excited to be heading back home to good ole Liberty County.
I plan on continuing the path that Coach Jordan started and pushing the kids to be the best versions of themselves on and off the field.
One of LC’s Finest is coming Home! What You Say Now Dawgs!! Let’s Go To Work!!