Washington County, Florida 2018 Half-Cent Sales Tax Pays Dividends for School District

By | July 26, 2022

The Washington County, Florida School Board recently approved over half a million dollars to be spent
on new technology in the district.

Specifically, laptops for student and teacher use. Funding for these devices was collected from the half-cent sales tax.

Washington County School Superintendent, Joseph Taylor states, “We are very fortunate that
the Washington County citizens approved the half-cent sales tax in Fall of 2018.

With these funds, the district has been able to make technology purchases that put our students on a more level playing field with larger districts in the area and will continue to provide great opportunities
in the coming years.”

To date, the school district has received over $4.3 million from the sales tax for the purpose of
Technology and Facilities.

The recent purchase will put over 900 student laptops and 150 teacher laptops in circulation for the 2022-23 school year.