Former Marianna Attorney LaDray Gilbert Arrested on Grand Theft and Money Laundering Charges on August 23, 2022

By | August 23, 2022
​ In November of 2021, the Marianna Police Department began an investigation into The Gilbert Firm, P.A. and former attorney LaDray Gilbert, after complaints were received that Gilbert failed to provide settlement funds to clients.
During the investigation, investigators determined that Gilbert received settlement funds, at times unknowing to the victims, and failed to provide the victims with their portion of the settlement funds.
​It was found that Gilbert deposited these funds into a trust account and then collected money from the trust account for his personal benefit.
The combined total amount that was failed to be distributed to the victims was over $60,000.
​ After documents and financial records were reviewed by investigators, it was found where Gilbert would write checks or have checks written directly from the trust account to himself.
On several occasions, Gilbert would have multiple checks written on the same date, that would total over $10,000, thus attempting to avoid the mandatory reporting.
It was also found that once Gilbert received the settlement checks, he would immediately collect a sum of money through various checks for attorney fees but failed to provide the victims with their portion.
​ On August 17th, 2022 an arrest warrant charging Gilbert with five counts of grand theft and one count of money laundering was obtained.
On August 23rd, 2022 Gilbert turned himself in to the Jackson County Correctional Facility where he will await his first appearance.
Grand Theft >$5,000 (3 Counts)
Grand Theft >$10,000
Grand Theft >$20,000
Money Laundering