Judicial Watch Victory: Court Rejects Biden ‘Department of Justice’ Effort to Keep Trump Warrant Affidavit Completely Sealed

By | August 26, 2022
On Friday, August 26, 2022, Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton made the following statement regarding Magistrate Judge Bruce Reinhart’s decision granting Judicial Watch’s request to unseal at least part of the affidavit and other materials used to justify the unprecedented raid on former President Trump’s home:
‘Judicial Watch achieved a key court victory today over the Biden Justice Department’s desperate move to keep the Trump warrant affidavit complete sealed.
‘The court outright rejected the Justice Department’s brazen play to keep the whole document secret. The Biden administration’s unprecedented and abusive raid on Trump’s home has created a rule of law crisis that can only be alleviated with transparency and accountability.
‘And, we’re thrilled that Americans will get more of both with today’s court decision, finding that at least some more information about this terrible raid should be released’.