Jackson County Economic Development Committee Recognized for Excellence in Communications

By | August 30, 2022

No matter how much good you do, no matter how much you get accomplished, no matter how many people you help, at the end of the day, you didn’t do anything as far as the public is concerned, unless you let the public know about it.

Unfortunately, many governmental organizations, civic clubs, altruistic organizations and even private corporations fail to let the world know what they are doing.

For individual politicians, this can be a key factor in getting re-elected. For a Governmental agency this can be the difference in keeping public support or not. For a private business, this can mean the difference between success and failure, because at the end of the day, perception is reality.

The Jackson County, Florida Economic Development Committee has embraced this concept, and has successfully communicated to the public at large, and especially their shareholders- that being the citizens of Jackson County- what they are planning, what they have ongoing and what they have accomplished.

The agency recently was feted in San Antonio, Texas and recognized by the Southern Economic Development Council for excellence in communication, taking the Best in Class, Small Division.

The SEDC reviews marketing and informative content from organizations throughout a large multi-state footprint and evaluates design, strategy, innovation, and impact of communication.