Tyndall Air Force Base Declares ‘HURCON 5’ in Response to Tropical Storm Ian on Monday, September 26, 2022

By | September 26, 2022
As a result of Tropical Storm Ian, Tyndall officials have moved to Hurricane Condition Level 5 on Monday, September 26, 2022.
This warning level means Ian has become a potential threat to Tyndall and destructive winds are possible within 96 hours.
Personnel and their family members should take the following steps:
1️⃣ Continue monitoring NOAA NWS National Hurricane Center, local weather stations, and Tyndall updates here and on our app.
2️⃣ Review family/personal plan.
3️⃣ Inspect/inventory shelter or evacuation kit.
4️⃣ Check vehicles, prescriptions and food.
5️⃣ Brief family members on situation.
6️⃣ Determine plan for pets.
7️⃣ Ensure vehicle and generator fuel tanks are full.