It’s Cold Outside, and Time for the Heat Instead of the Cool, But Why Does It Smell Like Something’s Burning?

By | October 19, 2022
With temperatures dipping close to 40 degrees this week in Northwest Florida, many of you may be in for a bit of a smelly surprise once you turn on the heater for the first time.
That fire-like smell is due to the heater cranking up and burning off the dust that has accumulated since you last used it.
The best part is that the smell typically goes away quickly.
Pro tip: Avoid unnecessarily summoning the wee-woos for something that is not a true emergency.
If the smell of burning quickly dissipates after turning on the heat for the first time and you see no other signs of fire, you do not need to call 9-1-1. This is good news.
Call 9-1-1 immediately and summon the wee-woos if you see smoke and/or flames along with the burning smell.
Your local fire department we will respond to the best of their abilities to mitigate the hazards, protect your home and loved ones, and help you however they can.
We thank each and every one of you for doing your part to keep our emergency services running smoothly as the colder weather comes in. Stay safe.