Marianna, Florida Police Department Arrests Andy Avants for Possession of Paraphernalia and Methamphetamine on December 27, 2022

By | December 28, 2022
On Tuesday, December 27, 2022, at approximately 2:45 am officers with the Marianna Police Department were made aware of a driver asleep behind the wheel at the Tom Thumb.
While checking the welfare of the driver, contraband was observed near the dash of the vehicle.
The driver and registered owner of the vehicle was identified as Andy Avants.
The contraband, being less than 20 grams of marijuana, was recovered from the vehicle. A probable cause search of the vehicle was subsequently conducted.
Several items of paraphernalia were recovered to include two glass smoking pipes, one from inside the vehicle and a second from Avants’ person.
A clear glass like substance was recovered from the vehicle’s dash area as well. This substance was field tested and was determined to be methamphetamine.
Andy Avants was charged with Possession of Paraphernalia and Possession of Methamphetamine. Avants was transported to the Jackson County Correctional Facility to await first appearance.