Longtime Wausau Residents Rogers Family Donates ‘Rogers Square’ to Town of Wausau, Florida

By | January 20, 2023

At a recent meeting of the Wausau Town Council representatives of the heirs of D. A. “Buster” and Mollie Rogers family made a gift of Rogers Square to the Town. The gift was made to be used for community activities that might include outdoor family reunions, fund raising activities, and use in inclement weather for committal services for the nearby Wausau Memorial Gardens.

Buster and Mollie (Grantham) Rogers spent their entire life in Washington County. They lived and worked in West Bay shortly after they were married in 1910, but West Bay was part of Washington County in 1910. Most of their life was lived in the Wausau Community and surrounding area.

While Mollie was a resourceful homemaker and hub around which the family spun, Buster was active in many pursuits. Mollie and the children raised chickens and turkeys along with vegetable gardens to help feed the family. She canned and preserved vegetable, figs, peaches, and berries. She milked cows and churned the butter for the family table. She was a founding member of the Wausau House Of Prayer (now the Wausau Assembly Of God).

Buster was a farmer, logger, carpenter, laborer, and for short time served as a Deputy Sheriff. He grew sugar cane, made syrup, and grew tobacco. He grew, butchered, and cured hogs for the family table and for lard to be used in the kitchen. Buster moved his family regularly. Mollie said one time, “I had seven children and none of them were born in the same house”. In the early years of their marriage they experienced World War I, the Great Depression, and World War II. After the close of WW II Buster and Mollie moved one last time.

In about 1947 Buster and Mollie Rogers moved on to Lots 4, 5, and 6 of Block 7 of the Plat of Wausau, Florida. They would live together here for the rest of their life. Buster died in 1965 as the result of being hit by and automobile as he walked along Highway 77 with a fishing partner. He was 76 years old. Mollie lived until she was 92 and died in 1986. All those years Wausau and the house on the corner of Panama Avenue and Highway 77 was their home.

After the passing of Buster and Mollie the children continued to use the old home for their annual family gathering. After a few years the house was moved off the property and an outdoor pavilion was built. The pavilion became Rogers Square and continues to be the gathering place for the heirs of Buster and Mollie. A few years ago, a previous Town Council renamed Panama Avenue Buster Rogers Avenue.

Mollie and Buster Rogers raised seven children that continued in the work ethic lived before them. They all became successful in the careers the followed and raised their children in the same work ethic. Like their Daddy and Mother, they all contributed to the growth and social opportunities of Wausau, especially in youth sports programs and activities. All the children are now deceased. All of them lived into their 90’s and, even though they lived away, all of them called Wausau home. They are all buried in Wausau Memorial Gardens with Buster and Mollie.

The Rogers’ family was represented by a delegation of grandchildren: Will Rogers, Dan Rogers, Lunell Clark, Jimmy Rogers, and Wayne Carter. Speaking for the family Will Rogers said, “Grandmother and Granddaddy loved and called Wausau home. Their children, our parents, did the same. And while the branches of family tree have spread out a little farther there is still a love for this community in our hearts and our children. We want to give one last gift to this community – Rogers Square. Over the years our family has always given and supported the efforts of the Town and never asked or wanted anything in return. Tonight, we have one request. We would like to be able to hold our family reunion at Rogers Square as long as there are any of us left to celebrate.” That request was unanimously granted.

The Town Council expressed their appreciation for the contribution and agreed to install a marker dedicating the site to the memory of Buster and Mollie Rogers.