PETA Protests Donkey Softball Games, Possum Festival and Animal Language, Now Expected to Target Worm Fiddlin’ Festival

By | May 6, 2023

Just when you thought we had already offended pretty much anyone and everyone, with everything possible, here comes PETA.

Contrary to popular belief, the acronym does not stand for ‘People Eating Tasty Animals’ and instead the animal activist group is titled ‘People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals’.

PETA is now urging the public to stop using animal names as verbal insults to other humans because it is ‘supremacist language’. Here is a little sample of that lunacy, taken directly from the PETA Handbook:

Words can create a more inclusive world or perpetuate oppression. Calling someone an animal as an insult reinforces the myth that humans are superior to other animals & justified in violating them. Stand up for justice by rejecting supremacist language.

Having set the stage with this information, along with the group already targeting Donkey Softball and the handling of opossums at the Wausau Possum Festival, it should come as no surprise that the organization is now taking a close look at the Caryville Worm Fiddlin’ Festival, and the potential of purported mishandling of these harmless and helpful creatures.

There have been rumors of planned organizational presence at this weekend’s festivities, with the opportunity to liberate these invertebrate animals into the wild, following their capture by festival competitors. 

Officials are reportedly on standby for any impromptu ‘peaceful protests’ by animal-rights activists, as recently experienced across the nation.