Jackson County, Florida Sheriff’s Office Arrests Tyrone Jackson and Joseph Painter for Synthetic Cannabinoids and Fentanyl on May 15, 2023

By | May 16, 2023
On Monday, May 15, around 9 p.m., deputies conducted a traffic stop on a vehicle that was driving without tail lights.
During the course of the stop, it was discovered that the driver, Tyrone Jackson, did not have a valid driver’s license and had an active warrant out of Okaloosa County.
During a search of the vehicle, deputies located multiple items of drug paraphernalia, as well as a needle filled with Fentanyl under the passenger seat, where Joseph Painter was sitting.
Painter admitted he had used Fentanyl before and believed that was the substance in the needle.
Deputies asked both men if they had anything on their person that could be considered contraband if entered into a jail, and they stated no.
After arriving at the jail, jail staff searched Jackson and Painter’s property an found synthetic cannabinoid inside Jackson’s cigar packs.
Jackson is being charged with Possession of Drug Paraphernalia, Possession of Synthetic Cannabinoids, Introduction of Contraband into a Secure Facility and Driving While License Suspended or Revoked Knowingly.
Painter is being charged with Possession of Drug Paraphernalia and Possession of Fentanyl.