Jackson County, Florida School Board Adopts Grade 5-12 2 Acceptable Attire Dress Code for Jackson County Schools on June 20, 2023

By | June 21, 2023
The Jackson County, Florida School District has adopted a District-Wide Appropriate Dress Plan for 5th-12th grade students, approved by the School Board on June 20, 2023.
School approved colors for Marianna K8 are purple, black, gray and white.
The Jackson County School Board recognizes the effect which student dress and grooming has upon student behavior and commitment to learning. The Board further recognizes the role of parents in assisting their children in making appropriate choices regarding clothing, accessories, and personal appearance. In order to maintain an atmosphere conducive to learning and to prepare students for working environments, the Jackson County School Board requires that all students, grades 5-12, exercise good taste with regard to their personal appearance.
Attire considered disruptive or risky to health or safety is not appropriate. With this in mind, the following rules concerning dress and grooming are mandatory for students in grades 5-12.
Definition of Standard District Wide School Attire Includes the Following:
Acceptable Attire in the Jackson County Schools:
A. Plain blue, tan, or black pants, jeans, capris, knee length shorts, or skirts in dress or casual style.
B. Collared, buttoned golf style shirts with short or long sleeves, in the solid color of white, black, or gray may be worn. Collared long sleeved or short sleeved button up shirts in the solid color of white, black, or gray may be worn. Schools may choose up to two additional acceptable colors.
Solid colored Sweatshirts and Sweaters in the school approved colors may be worn. Hoodies (sweatshirts with attached hoods) are permitted provided they are in one of the approved colors for the school.
C. Chests and midriffs must be covered. Pants, capris, shorts, or skirts with elastic waistbands must be worn at the waist. All others must be worn at the waist. Shorts and skirts must extend to the knee.
D. No holes, other than buttonholes, may be in any garments; no drawstrings are allowed on pants, capris, shorts, or skirts.
E. No clothing shall be modified, rearranged, adorned, or added to (such as rhinestones, patches, or cut off shorts etc.)
F. School Sponsored shirts may be worn with the permission of the school Principal on special school sponsored days. Principals will have the authority to approve occasional variations from Standard District Wide School Attire for particular groups of students. For example, athletic team members or cheerleaders may wear their sleeveless tops layered over an approved school shirt.
Members of school clubs or students involved in a school sponsored activity may wear school-sponsored apparel on days designated by the Principal.