What to Know About Regulations Concerning the New Permit-Less Concealed Carry Law in Florida

By | July 2, 2023

First, you must meet the criteria to carry concealed.

Meaning you must be a US citizen or a legal permanent resident, be 21 years old, not have a felony conviction and not have any disqualifying factors as outlined in Florida Statute 790.23.

When asked you must provide proper identification.

Second, firearms are still prohibited in some places.

Privately owned businesses and property owners can prohibit firearms. Schools, courtrooms, bars and government properties prohibit firearms.

Third, open carry is still illegal.

Fourth, there is a waiting period to purchase a firearm and the law does not transfer to other states.

Fifth, if you want the benefits of a concealed carry permit, they will still be issued by the Department of Agriculture.

Benefits include a firearms safety course, reciprocity in other states that recognize Florida’s Concealed Weapons License and no waiting period to purchase and take possession of a firearm.

Owning a firearm is a responsibility. We ask firearms stay out of unlocked vehicles and remain out of the reach of children.