United States Vice-President Kamala Harris Receives Lowest Vice Presidential Rating in Political Polling History

By | July 5, 2023

Vice President Kamala Harris is known for breaking records.

When she raised her right hand in 2020 and was sworn into office, she became the first female vice president in American history.

She also became- as the headlines so vibrantly pointed out- the first South Asian and black vice president.

These two accomplishments on her first day of office proved to be only the beginning of records she would break.

On Monday, NBC News reported that Harris shattered another record, but this isn’t one she’ll be proud of. An NBC poll found that Harris’s net-negative rating is at -17, the lowest vice presidential rating in the history of the poll.

In October of 2019, former Vice President Mike Pence received a -4 rating, a significantly higher rating than Harris.

As the news of her low rating spread, several political influencers and consultants tweeted a sarcastic response.

“Best insurance policy Joe Biden has ever gotten,” tweeted GOP consultant Giancarlo Sopo.

In GOP consultant Matt Wolking’s sarcastic tweet, he said, “‘We did it, Joe!’” referencing Harris’s response to winning the election that was caught on film.

Although there’s no consensus on why she received such a low rating, some experts have attributed it to the Biden administration’s biggest policy failures, as well as her poor PR image.

“Biden placed Harris as his point person in charge of the southern border and passing HR1- the Democrats’ election takeover bill- the former an abysmal failure, and the latter a nonstarter in Congress,” Matt Carpenter, director of FRC Action, told The Washington Stand.

“As unpopular as Biden is, his administration has seen movement on their legislative agenda.

Too bad for Harris, none of that success has been attributed to her efforts.”

The second reason, he suspected, is due to Harris’s “bizarre speeches, complete with circular reasoning and poorly-timed laughter- often described as ‘cackling.’”