Jackson County, Florida Sheriff’s Office Criminal Investigations Division Seeks Persons of Interest on July 11, 2023

By | July 14, 2023
The Jackson County, Florida Sheriff’s Office is requesting the assistance of the public in identifying people of interest in incidents that occurred in Jackson County.
If you know the identity of any of the people pictured below, please contact the Jackson County Sheriff’s Office Criminal Investigations Division at (850) 482-9624 or by email at records@jacksonso.com.
If you would like to remain anonymous, you can contact Chipola Crime Stoppers at (850) 526-5000 or www.chipolacrimestoppers.com.
We are only asking for information regarding the identity of unknown people, who may unknowingly be a victim or suspected of having information that may assist in solving a crime.
Not all persons of interest are suspects of a crime.