Bay County, Florida Sheriff’s Office Announces Double Red Flags Posted on Bay County Beaches, Conditions Too Hazardous for Swimming

By | July 25, 2023
The Bay County Sheriff’s Office announced today that double red flags have been posted on the beaches of Bay County on Monday, July 24, 2023.
This means swimming conditions are too hazardous for swimming due to high surf or strong currents and the water has been closed to swimmers.
Even though the surface of the water appears calm, rip currents can be present and deadly.
There have been two cell phone alerts sent to anyone in the beaches area today to warn of strong currents and that the water is closed to swimmers with the posting of double red flags.
Also, the flags were changed on the flag poles as fast as was possible with most deputies on the sand performing water rescues as conditions worsened quickly.
Additional deputies were called to the sand to assist in water rescue and changing the flags.
New signs warning of dangerous swimming conditions have also been posted along the water’s edge.
There has been one fatality today attributed to water conditions.
A woman was pulled from the water onto the sand behind Rick Seltzer Park, was taken to a local hospital, and was pronounced deceased.
Deputies are currently pulling distressed swimmers out of Gulf waters. Please stay out of the water.
Not only do swimmers place themselves in danger but also first responders that enter the water to save them, and well-meaning citizens who try to rescue distressed swimmers and become overwhelmed themselves.
Those who enter the water can receive a fine of $500 and can be arrested. Stay out of the water.