Transgender Genital Surgeries Involving Genital Reconstruction Produce Worrisome Results- Who Knew?

By | July 27, 2023

More than half of the patients undergoing genital reconstruction as part of transgender transition are experiencing pain during sexual intercourse, following their surgeries.

Transgender surgery participants have reported musculoskeletal pain, pelvic floor dysfunction and difficulty moving.

Thios has prompted an obvious need for further research to understand the efficacy of these treatments fully.

A majority of post-op individuals who underwent genital surgeries within the past five years have reported pain in various areas, including the lower back, groin, pelvis, chest or shoulders.

Additionally, nearly one-third of these persons have reported urinary incontinence or an urgent and frequent need to use the restroom.

Which all begs the question- Why, and how did we get to this stage of misguided lunacy?