Transsexual Children Who Identify as Minotaurs are Simply Part of the Gender Revolution, According to Health Professional

By | August 16, 2023

Health professionals in California are approving of children identifying as animals or mythology creatures.

Diane Ehrensaft, a self-proclaimed ‘feminist’ and an ardent supporter of the ‘gender revolution’ is the director of mental health and chief psychologist at the University of California San Francisco Benioff Children’s Hospital Gender Development Center.

She is also a professor at UCSF School of Medicine.

The developmental and clinical psychologist specializes in pediatric gender-affirmative care for transgender and gender-expansive patients.

This highly educated (insert choice of word here) claims that children can identify as gender hybrids, which include a mythology-inspired creature called a ‘gender Minotaur’ and that kids can change their genders by season and can have different identities depending on their location. 

And now the inmates are running the asylum.