Bonifay, Florida Police Department in Danger of Shutting Down for Second Time This Year Due to Financial Questions

By | August 18, 2023

The Bonifay, Florida City Council is addressing the annual budget, much the same as any other city or town in Florida, as the close of the business year nears.

On Thursday, August 17, 2023, the Bonifay City Council met in a workshop session  evening, to discuss that the Bonifay Police Department is already over budget by 2% in this fiscal year, and 16% over budget in the last two fiscal years.

In addition, the Bonifay Police Department has already spent close to 85 percent of this year’s budget (2022-2023).

The department was most recently shut down in May of 2023 following the departure of the top three BPD personnel- one retirement, one death and one arrested.

At present discussion is ongoing to entertain the notion of the Holmes County, Florida Sheriff’s Office take over the law enforcement for Bonifay, at a lower cost than projected to do this in-house.