Transgender Women Can Now ‘Chest-Feed’, Setting a Dangerous Precedent

By | August 19, 2023

The world is constantly changing, and so are the ways in which we understand gender and parenting.

Recently, it was recognized that transgender women can now choose to ‘chest-feed’ their infants, which means they can breastfeed like biological women.

This new possibility has sparked a debate among biological women who are worried that the trend could be dangerous.

They believe that it sets a precedent that could have negative implications for children’s health and traditional gender roles.

The guidance recognizes that transgender and non-binary parents may give birth and breastfeed or chest-feed their children.

It also emphasizes the importance of healthcare providers being knowledgeable about gender transitions to provide optimal care and meet the nutritional needs of infants.

However, criticism has emerged regarding the CDC’s guidance. Some doctors argue that the CDC fails to adequately assess the potential health risks associated with infants consuming milk produced by transgender women who have undergone gender-reassignment surgeries or are taking hormonal treatments to stimulate lactation.