You Can’t Make This Stuff Up- Biden’s Beer Ban: Americans Urged to Have Just One Drink a Week

By | August 26, 2023

With the obvious absence of US President Joe Biden from the public view, many Americans wonder exactly what issues are most important to Biden and his staff.

In addition to the outlawing of ceiling fans, here is one item on which the Biden Administration is spending time: Americans may be urged to drink no more than one or two beers weekly as part of stricter new alcohol guidelines.

President Biden’s alcohol czar, George Koob, the director for the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAA), told that the USDA could change its Alcohol laws to match Canada, where people are advised to drink that drink per week.

He said, ‘If there are health benefits, I think people will start evaluating where we’re at (In the US)’.

Currently, the US recommends that women have up to one bottle of beer, a small glass of wine, or a shot of spirits a day, while men can have up to two.

The US guidelines also say a drink is defined as containing 0.6 fluid ounces of alcohol, equivalent to one beer, one glass of wine at 12 percent alcohol, or one shot.

The guidance is currently up for review, but won’t be set in place until 2025.

Let’s go, Brandon.