Tyndall Air Force Base Upgrades to HURCON 5 Status in Advance of Tropical Winds, Storm Weather

By | August 29, 2023

On Sunday Aug. 27, officials at Tyndall Air Force Base have declared conditions to be level HURCON 5.

This means that Idalia has become a potential threat to Tyndall, which includes tropical force winds.

Personnel have not been evacuated from the base.

Tyndall personnel and their family members should take the following steps:

Monitor weather stations; check Tyndall website, social media, review family/personal emergency action plan, inspect/inventory shelter or evacuation kit, to include water, non-perishable food, first-aid kit and flashlights, check vehicles, prescriptions, food, sanitary supplies, clothing and bedding, brief family members and ensure precautions are taken for high-risk individuals, determine plan for pets, ensure vehicle and generator fuel tanks are full, obtain enough cash to cover near-term expenses.

For more information on hurricane conditions and guidelines please check back for details. For questions, contact 325th Fighter Wing Public Affairs at (850) 283-3333.




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