Can’t Make This Stuff Up: ‘Trans-Ableism’ is the Newest Mental Illness, With People Choosing to Identify as Handicapped

By | September 8, 2023

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Everyone wants to be a part of a larger group, for security, safety, socializing or to just avoid being self-sufficient. Others just want to increase their opportunities for a date on Saturday night.

Incredibly, more and more people are embracing the newest mental illness, which, instead of gender dysphoria, encourages them to reinvent themselves as a handicapped person.

The issue, known as ‘transableism’, belongs to what is being called ‘Body Integrity Identity Disorder’ and represents people who identify as handicapped.

Transableism is a term which refers to moving between states of being able and disabled by choice rather than by happenstance.

Insofar as this may imply a choice to become dependent, claims upon the healthcare system are likely to result.

BIID has been relabeled to transableism to align with today’s trans community, according to some.

The point of ‘changing the identifier’ from a psychiatric condition (BIID) to an advocacy term (transableism) is to ‘harness the stunning cultural power of gender ideology’ to the cause of allowing doctors to ‘treat’ BIID patients by amputating healthy limbs, snipping spinal cords or destroying eyesight, according to Evolution News and Science Today (EN), which reports on and analyzes evolution, neuroscience, bioethics, intelligent design and other science-related issues.

Culturally, transableism is the next abyss, that site also notes.
