Biden Staff Pulls Joe From 9/11 Memorial Over Fear Another Gaffe Would Decimate Re-Election

By | September 10, 2023

United States acting President Joe Biden is set to miss the 9/11 memorial service in New York this weekend, as the White House is said to be limiting his public appearances in order to avoid gaffes.

Peggy Grande, former long term adviser to Ronald Reagan, told GB News that the White House is taking a basement strategy approach, by keeping him out of the public eye.

She noted that the more he’s been in the public eye the lower he drops in the polls.

Grande said that an appearance from Biden would also remind the public that 9/11 families have certainly been ignored.

She added: “After 9/11, Americans always said ‘never forget’ – but Biden always forgets”.

While Biden has said he will be observing the anniversary at a military base in Alaska, Grande said the White House may be preparing to announce that he isn’t going at all.

She explains, “In the past they’ve said it would be easier for him to do stuff on Zoom – so I honestly think they’re laying the foundation for him to not even show up.

When asked if this is going to increase as time goes on, she said: “Yes. We’ve seen it increasingly I’ve the last six months to a year’.