Chipley, Florida Garden Club Kicks Off New Club Year on September 6, 2023 with First Meeting

By | September 12, 2023

Chipley Garden Club members held their first meeting of the 2023-24 club year on Wednesday, September 6th. The meeting was hosted by Dorothy & Chelle Odom.

Gweneth Collins, Club President, began the meeting by remembering Charlotte Sapp, a dear friend to many and a treasured Garden Club member, who passed away in May 2023. She was a true Southern lady, an FFGC Lifetime Member, and a Washington County Master Gardener who loved working with children, arts and crafts, and gardening.

Following the business portion of the meeting, club members discussed various projects including maintaining the Downtown Pots, Sundial Garden, Blue Star Marker, and Chipley Monument. It was noted that two pots have been moved to the gazebo at the Farmers Market. During the Summer two Yards of the Month were awarded and the Butterfly Garden at Falling Waters State Park was refurbished.

Other items discussed were continuing our community outreach projects to KMS, Council on Aging and the Food Bank, plans for 2024 Arbor Day in January, the District II Fall State Officers Tour in Mexico Beach, and several possible field trips. Plans were finalized for the Scarecrow Fest which will be held Saturday, September 23rd at the Washington County Historical Society/Farmers Market from 8AM until 1PM. Participation in “Fresh Fest” at the Washington County Library was discussed and plans were made to host a Fun with Flowers program in the future.

Glenda Wilson, Wildflower Chair, shared Spotted Horsemint aka Bee Balm (Monarda punctata) as Wildflower of the Month. Horsemint is a drought-resistance, native perennial. It attracts bees, butterflies, moths, and hummingbirds and is also deer-resistant. It has very showy flowers which will be in-bloom soon in our ditches, and some say it smells like oregano.

Linda Pigott, Youth Chair, reminded the group to begin gathering supplies for our annual projects at Kate Smith Elementary: Live potted plants, dish gardens, live and dried floral designs. The children will take care of and show these projects in the 2024 4-H Youth Fair.

After a sweet devotion, the group enjoyed a sandwich and salad lunch. If you are interested in attending a meeting or would like to know more about the garden club, please contact Gweneth Collins at 850-260-4049. The club meets at various locations around Chipley on the 1st Wednesday of each month and welcomes new members and visitors at anytime. Check out our Facebook page – Chipley Garden Club – for up-to-date club information.

See ya’ll at the Scarecrow Fest/Archeologist at the Museum on Saturday, September 23rd!