Fauci Confesses Lack of Demonstrative Evidence That Mask Mandates Assisted Halt of COVID Pandemic

By | September 18, 2023

Recently, Fauci confessed there’s a lack of evidence demonstrating that the much-dreaded mask mandates helped halt the pandemic’s spread.

For many, Fauci was the face of the pandemic response in the U.S. As the former chief of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, the 82-year-old was called the nation’s “Covid czar.”

His strong advocacy for measures like face coverings and maintaining a safe distance in public areas polarized opinions, with Americans holding diverse views on the man himself.

Rewinding to April 2020, a then-resolute Fauci asserted, “If everybody does that, we’re each protecting each other. Because the data is, it’s more efficient to prevent transmitting to others than it is to prevent transmission to yourself.”

This led to strict regulations, with masks commonplace in schools, public transport, eateries, and workplaces.

However, a sequence of leaked communications and recent public interactions hint at a change in his stance. With growing criticisms pointing at his changing beliefs, Fauci’s recent admissions have fueled the fire.

He confessed to CNN that when considering the pandemic’s broader effect, the data on mask effectiveness is “less strong.”

He referenced studies suggesting masks might offer individual protection but stopped short of endorsing their widespread effectiveness.