September 19 is National IT Day

By | September 19, 2023

We celebrate National I.T. Professionals Day on the third Tuesday of every September, on September 21 this year, to recognize the technical experts- network engineers, system administrators, database admins, ethical hackers, and many more types of I.T. professionals- that make sure our computer systems run smoothly.

It takes a solid set of skills and talents to fill the shoes of an I.T. pro so, today, we say thanks to the people who come to fix our devices when they stop working the way they should- the behind-the-scenes operators without whom we’d be back in front of an archaic chalkboard, doing things the hard way.

On this day let us support IT students and help them find scholarship resources to advance their studies in the field and become professionals in near future.

National I.T. Professionals Day was created in 2015 in an effort to show appreciation for the tech wizards who take care of the nuts and bolts so that the average worker’s station stays hooked up to the company network and operates flawlessly. 

If you’re old enough, you remember when the only meaning of ‘attachment’ was an actual piece of paper fastened with a metal paper clip to a memo that had been copied physically on a mimeograph machine. Technology has practically advanced at the speed of light since then and someone has always had to keep up with the latest technical advent in order to manage any misfires in a given system.

These guys and gals are nothing less than essential to successful business practices. Today, we give them a pat on the back, buy them a cup of coffee, or just say, “Thanks!” Your I.T. pros will appreciate it.