US Citizens on Social Security Receive Bonus Check in September 2023

By | September 29, 2023

Americans who receive Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or Social Security payments will get a bonus check today.

A peculiarity in the payment schedule means that eligible recipients received one check on September 1 and an additional one Friday because October 1 falls on a Saturday. Payments typically come out on the first of the month.

However, since two checks will be dispersed in September, it means that recipients won’t again receive a check until November.

“If your regularly scheduled payment date falls on a Saturday, Sunday or legal public holiday, benefits will be paid the business day before your due date,” the Social Security Administration (SSA) states on its website on its frequently asked questions (FAQ) page.

This is the third time this has happened, the first and second being in March and June, respectively. It will also occur again in December, which means recipients will not receive any checks in January 2024.

Social Security benefits depend on multiple factors that will differ by recipient and household, such as work history and the age someone began collecting.

The more credits earned over the course of employment, the more benefits received until the program’s camp.

The later one collects benefits, up to age 70, the more benefits they will receive.