Holmes County Sheriff’s Office Arrests John Allen, Jr., Owner of A’s Automotive, for Grand Theft and Dealing in Stolen Property

By | September 30, 2023

On September 12, 2023, investigators with the Holmes County Sheriff’s Office received a complaint from an individual stating that John Allen, Jr., owner of A’s Automotive, had stolen and sold his vehicle.

The victim stated he dropped a truck off with Allen nearly two years prior for automotive work. In those two years, each time the victim asked about the progress on his vehicle, he was either told that it had not been worked on yet for various reasons, or, once work was started, was told it needed additional work. According to the victim, Allen eventually told him after more than a year that he was unable to fix the truck and that he should come get it. The victim told investigators he made several attempts to get the truck from Allen’s shop, but he was never able to do so.

Recently, after receiving a call stating that trucks were being removed from Allen’s shop, the victim learned that the vehicle had been sold. When the individual that bought the truck learned it was stolen, he returned it.

John Allen, Jr. was arrested on September 28, 2023, and taken to the Holmes County Jail. He faces charges of grand theft and dealing in stolen property.