Chipley, Florida Garden Club Meets on Wednesday, October 4, 2023 at Washington County Library for Monthly Meeting

By | October 6, 2023

Chipley Garden Club met Wednesday, October 4th at the Washington County Library for their monthly meeting. The program was “Fun with Flowers”, a hands-on flower arranging learning opportunity. Members gathered greenery from their home gardens and combined them with beautiful Fall flowers to create over thirty arrangements – some went home with members, some went to school, some went to friends, and a big Thank You bouquet stayed with the library staff. The class was led with Vice President Linda Pigott explaining techniques, President Gweneth Collins demonstrating, and Beth Watford providing a running narrative

Prior to the business portion, a moment of silent was observed remembering Edwina Showers, an FFGC Lifetime Member and long time member of Chipley Garden Club, who passed earlier in the morning.

At the meeting, Secretary Dorothy Odom report the Yard of the Month for September was presented to The Murrays at 1390 South Boulevard. Plans were finalized for Florida Arbor Day 2024, the FFGC District II Fall Meeting in Mexico Beach, and a field trip to Dothan Botanical Gardens. The downtown pots were discussed and plans were made for improvements.

Wildflower Chair Glenda Wilson shared Beauty Berry Bush aka Callicarpa with the group. The wildflower is in “berry” on our roadsides – beautiful magenta berries than make delicious jelly, are beautiful in arrangements, the birds love them, and the crushed leaves repel bugs.

Scarecrow Chair Gweneth Collins reported the Scarecrow Fest/History Fest had thirteen entries, perfect weather, and the vendors were well pleased with the turnout. Even Santa was out enjoying the festivities.

As Community Outreach projects, the club collected clothing for Kate Smith Elementary School students, non-perishable foods for the Community Food Bank, and peanut butter for the annual UF/IFAS Peanut Butter Drive. Earlier in September, they presented Falling Waters State Park with a large heavy-duty cooler for use during control burns.

Chipley Garden Club meets the first Wednesday of each month and meets at a local venue or the home of a club member. If you would like to know more about our programs and projects, please call President Gweneth Collins at 850-260-4049. The club welcomes visitors and new members at any time during the year.