Jackson County, Florida Sheriff’s Office Arrests Danny Fred Syfrett for Burglary, Resisting Arrest

By | October 22, 2023

On Saturday, October 21, around 8 a.m., Jackson County, Florida deputies received a call that Danny Fred Syfrett was attempting to break into a home.

When they arrived, deputies found Syfrett had broken into the home and they attempted to handcuff him, but he fled.

Deputies established a perimeter and called the JCSO K-9 Tracking Unit to assist.

Within 15 minutes of arriving on scene, K-9 Linda located Syfrett between Felix Street and Austin Lane.

Syfrett was arrested and is being charged with Violation of Injunction, Burglary, Possession of Burglary Tools, Assault, Resisting an Officer Without Violence, Escape and Criminal Mischief.