October 22 is International CAPS LOCK Day

By | October 23, 2023
International Caps Lock Day was created by Iowa software developer Derek Arnold as a tongue-in-cheek poke at those who choose to write in all caps which is commonly considered poor etiquette when corresponding with friends or co-workers.
The equivalent of YELLING in emails or digital communication, caps lose their impact very quickly, much like using an exclamation point to signify IMPORTANT in your emails!
In 1874, Remington introduced a typewriter that only typed in all upper case letters; however, by 1878, the Remington No. 2 enabled the user to type in both upper and lower case and the rest as they say, is history.
American author and humorist Mark Twain is given credit as the first person to use a typewriter to create a manuscript.
In 1925, Mrs. Alice Strong of Belmont, MA writes to John Philip Sousa seeking some musical inspiration or advice and The March King responds in kind.
This was decades before Arnold’s mention of ‘shouting’ back at a recipient as I’m sure was not the intention of a gracious and cordial Mr. Sousa.
Happy International Caps Lock Day, everyone!