‘That’s just what you need- a bunch of drunks down there’- Resident in Response to ‘Social District’ Ordinance

By | October 25, 2023

Resident Tony Bostick says that he does not believe that this measure will make the downtown area family-friendly, and that it is just asking for a ‘bunch of drunks’ in the downtown area.

The regulation at hand is an ordinance allowing people 21 years of age and older to drink alcohol in public, in certain areas of the City, and during specific hours.

The Panama City, Florida Downtown Improvement Board, along with the Panama City Commissioners, are facing a change in the way they do business and accept behavior from visitors- similar to a change made in Chipley, Florida a short while ago.

Set for a vote in November, there is some disagreement concerning hours, specific areas impacted and other factors.

Maria Williams, Executive Director of the Downtown Improvement Board, was reported as saying that this is the kind of change that could give our community the boost that it needs, drawing in visitors, shoppers, and diners and helping our local businesses thrive.

No everyone shares her enthusiasm, however.

The first reading of the ordinance was done on Tuesday, October 24, 2023, and the outcome will be interesting.