October 26 is the Day of the Deployed 

By | October 26, 2023

October 26 is the Day of the Deployed, honoring all  service members who have been deployed in service of our country.

The day also acknowledges the sacrifices that military families make during deployment.

The first National Day of the Deployed was observed in 2006, when North Dakota announced a proclamation for the day, thanks to Shelle Michaeles Aberle, who petitioned Governor John Hoevento with the idea.

October 26 was chosen for the date in honor of Shelle’s cousin,  LTC David Hosna, who had been deployed to Iraq (the day was Hosna’s birthday).

By 2012, every state in the US was observing this day.

If you’re honoring those who have been been deployed, it is recommended to post to social media including the hashtag #DayOfTheDeployed.