National Cliché Day is Celebrated on November 3

By | November 3, 2023

Cliché Day is celebrated every year on November 3 throughout the country. This day is a day that celebrates the cliché and the usefulness of clichés in everyday life.

Clichés are clichés because they’re overused, and they can be very irritating — but that’s part of the fun.

They’re predictable and funny because everyone knows they’re coming. They’re funny and enjoyable, and this day is a great day to work them into your conversations.

More importantly, everyone understands clichés and they convey your point easily and quickly. Used well, clichés can facilitate conversation and be great ice breakers, so go ahead and celebrate them!

Cliché Day is celebrated on November 3 every year across the country. This day celebrates how useful, annoying, and fun cliches are by incorporating them into the conversation and the arts for the entire day.

Clichés are elements of a play, book, or movie — or sayings, or ideas that have been used so often that they’ve completely lost their original impact.

Most clichés start as very impactful and transformative sayings that have an incredible impact on the audience the first time they’re said.

Because they have such a great influence, people start saying them and reusing them to the point where they start getting annoying. Like great catchy songs, cliches become earworms that refuse to leave.

Clichés are usually truisms or stereotypes that are stated in a particular way. They may or may not be true, but are repeated often enough that most people know and believe them.

An important aspect of cliches is that enough people need to be familiar with the idea or the statement presented in that particular way. It is only when people have come across the same thing in the same way over and over again that it starts to grate on them.

Today, people who use cliches unironically are seen as lacking inspiration or originality and considered to be unskilled at their art — whatever it may be.

However, cliches have their own place. Used well, they can help communicate ideas to people, and they’re great fun to use ironically.

Cliché Day is a great opportunity to celebrate cliches — by considering the original impact they might have had to use them to annoy people or familiarly communicate new ideas.